The Time Is Now.

As Americans, we are once again given the opportunity to restore this great nation's standing in the world as a beacon of democracy, a shining light set out to guide by example....and not the war machine of the past seven years inspiring only shock, awe and anger. And all we have to do is get the word out, get the people to the polls and VOTE.

Want to motivate and unite a deflated and splintered Republican party? Then nominate Hillary Clinton. Look, I like Hillary and I agree with her on several issues, particularly her ongoing struggle for national health care. She's been trying to fight that battle since her husband's first term and I appreciate her hard work. But this is a woman that is so polarizing, so hated by the conservatives of this country that they will come out in droves just to vote against her. They will hold their noses and cast a ballot for a moderate John McCain just to stop what they believe to be 'Godzillary'. And we as Democrats will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Barack Obama will blaze a new chapter in the book that we, our parents, grandparents and great grandparents have written as Americans, a book that we pass on to our children. Not only by becoming our first black president, but as the president who can and will bring us back together, to heal a hurt and humbled nation on the heels of the some of the most trying times we've faced in our long and sometimes very difficult history. To recover from the long national nightmare that is the Bush administration, we need someone who inspires people to come together to work towards that common goal. We need a president that not only wants to end this unjust war in Iraq, but one who never supported it in the first place. We need leadership that will bring affordable health insurance to all Americans who want it with a realistic and workable plan. He will be the man to (as Barack has stated so eloquently) speak to not just red and blue states, but United States.
Since the voters of Iowa stood up and made their voices heard just over one

Our time is here. Our time is now.
and these children that you spit on as they try to change their world.
Excellent work, I think you should e-mail it to Obama's campaign.
You are an amazing writer. Follow your dream........we love you.
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