I've got subpoena fevah!

Nixonian threats aside...it's on. Turns out that firing U.S. Attorneys for no reason other than the fact that Karl Rove doesn't consider them to be "loyal Bushies" will not go unchecked, even if our little dictator from down Texas way doesn't like it. Democracy's a bitch ain't it, George? Now click on the lights and watch the cockroaches scatter as the subpoenas begin to drop.
Will this latest debacle turn out to finally be this administration's undoing? Christ, as if repeatedly lying in the lead up to an unnecessary war wasn't enough, stack on the denial of basic civil liberties all in the name of PATRIOTISMtm (trademark pending by the Republican Party) and spying on our citizens for good measure...and I would have to think that you'd have a case. I know, call me crazy.
Granted, none of this is as bad as lying about a blow job...but impeachment is the least we can do. Constitutionally (you know, that document we've ignored for the past 6+ years), is there any legal way we can actually force this man to travel the countryside issuing apology after apology with a 'Kick Me' sign on his back? No? How about an amendment?
"The only way we can win is to leave before the job is done."
-George W. Bush
Greeley, CO
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