Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teabagging in Texas

Texas Governor (and all around scholar) Rick Perry decided on Wednesday to immediately erase all doubts and prove that he is, in fact, the biggest idiot to occupy a governor's mansion in the whole of the Union, when he declared that Texas could secede from the United States.

Feeding the lapping dogs at an Austin "Tea Party" rally just the kind of hateful rhetoric they've been sorely missing since the wheels came off the McCain/Palin "Hate Talk Express" last fall, Perry actually told reporters that when Texas entered the union in 1845 it was with the
understanding it could pull out at any time.

Never mind the fact, Governor, that Texas
actually negotiated the power to divide into four additional states at some point if it wanted to but not the right to secede. But hell, when have the facts ever mattered to Republicans anyway? Never mind that these rallies in the Red States crying about excessive taxation are nothing more than a cover for thinly veiled bigotry and xenophobia.

It doesn't actually matter that no American will pay a single dime more in taxes this year than they did last. Forget the reality that President Obama wasn't the chief executive who threw this nation headlong into the worst recession since the Great Depression. That was your boy, W. Another former Texas governor, no less! Forget that it took another great Democrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt to lead the Great Generation to pull our country up by it's boot straps in the 1930's and 40's following hot on the heels of Republican disaster Herbert Hoover.

Forget all that, I say...go ahead Rick. Get the hell out, and take your teabagging friends with you. ALL of them. Jesusland be praised.

All current Americans trapped in the expanse of your desolate fascist wastelands (yes...I'm looking at you, Alabama) who do not wish to be a part of your hate filled nation will have one month to relocate to friendlier confines, at our expense of course. After which time, we'll all be living happily, comfortably (and peacefully, I might add) in the 21st century in our new home, with our intelligent, articulate, fair and just President Barack Obama in the United States of Canada.

And before you even ask, NO VISAS will be issued to Jesusland residents.
We will not be establishing diplomatic relations with you neanderthals.

Goodbye, good luck and good riddance, Rick. Don't let the door hit you in the panhandle on your way out.

i'm blind in texas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: If an angry liberal (wannabe Soviet) ranted online even after his candidate won, and no one was around to read it, would it make a sound??

10:52 PM  
Blogger the cccp simian said...

I'm sorry, it's a bit difficult to understand you with your mouth full. Teabagging is not exactly conducive to talking. You and Rush keep fighting the good fight, champ!

10:17 AM  

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