I've got subpoena fevah!
"It will be regrettable if they choose to head down the partisan road of issuing subpoenas and demanding show trials when I have agreed to make key White House officials and documents available," President George W. Bush said Tuesday afternoon during a White House press briefing, referring to his offer of making key White House aides available for "private interviews" where they would not be under oath.
Nixonian threats aside...it's on. Turns out that firing U.S. Attorneys for no reason other than the fact that Karl Rove doesn't consider them to be "loyal Bushies" will not go unchecked, even if our little dictator from down Texas way doesn't like it. Democracy's a bitch ain't it, George? Now click on the lights and watch the cockroaches scatter as the subpoenas begin to drop.
Will this latest debacle turn out to finally be this administration's undoing? Christ, as if repeatedly lying in the lead up to an unnecessary war wasn't enough, stack on the denial of basic civil liberties all in the name of PATRIOTISMtm (trademark pending by the Republican Party) and spying on our citizens for good measure...and I would have to think that you'd have a case. I know, call me crazy.
Granted, none of this is as bad as lying about a blow job...but impeachment is the least we can do. Constitutionally (you know, that document we've ignored for the past 6+ years), is there any legal way we can actually force this man to travel the countryside issuing apology after apology with a 'Kick Me' sign on his back? No? How about an amendment?
"The only way we can win is to leave before the job is done."
-George W. Bush
Greeley, CO
Sympathy for the Dick
Ponder this puzzle if you will...what puts our troops at greater risk?
a) Congress actually acting as some sort, hell ANY sort of check and balance in this absolute cluster fuck of a war in Iraq by calling George W. Bush and his attack dogs on their unending lies by bringing our men and women in uniform home.
b) Sending our greatest natural resource (yep, that's right Dick...even more valuable than oil) off to invade a sovereign nation that had done absolutely nothing to us in the first place.
Surprise, surprise...with a congressional vote upcoming to set a timetable for our withdrawal from Iraq, Mr. Congeniality himself Vice President Dick Cheney played that old favorite of the far right on Monday...democrats don't support the troops! Liberals hate America! This is all Bill Clinton's fault. Well, not that last one just yet...oh, but give 'em a little time. Wait until 2008.
While this is nothing new for the man who has in the past tried (and failed) to link Iraq to September 11th and a burgeoning nuclear weapons program, and then questioned the patriotism of those who would doubt those farcical claims...his attacks now on those who would take up the burden of attempting to right this wrong offend no less.
As we approach 3,200 of our finest citizens never coming home to their families, and almost 24,000 never being the same after their time in Iraq...when is it enough? When does it end? If not RIGHT NOW...when. Will the former CEO of Halliburton please explain to those who've already lost someone they held so dear for this nonsense exactly why that happened? Will he visit those who have had their lives so dramatically altered by the injuries they received fighting his president's war just what in the hell they were fighting for?
Perhaps he's merely spewing forth more venomous attacks against those who seek to clean up his mess because he's saving his kindest words, and his most humble humanity for those who mourn the staggering loss of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. Dwell in that for a moment. Hundreds of thousands. People just like you or me, or your grandmother or your best friend Bob. While they may dress differently, speak in a different tongue or believe in a different god than you, dear reader...these are countless fragile human beings that cannot and will not be replaced. Many of them children who only wished for peace and parents to care.
Perhaps Mr. Cheney would care to talk about those little lives. No? How utterly unfortunate.
i watched with glee while your kings and queens fought for ten decades for the gods they made.
Take me out to the ballgame...
Hands down, one of the BIGGEST benefits of living back in the United States is the beginning of March.
As we begin to push the little daisies and make 'em come up, this man's thoughts turn to Spring Training and America's Pastime.
Being back in the South gives us immediate access to my Atlanta Braves, and as evidenced by the photo above taken a couple summers past at Coors Field in Denver...few things in this world are better than taking in a ballgame with my bride. Yep, she's a fan. Jealous? You should be.
Numerous outings to Turner Field with the Lu are on the plate for this Spring, Summer and (here's hoping) Fall. And how amazing is it going to be to take Scout to the ballpark and teach him the grand old game...well, when he's old enough to actually enjoy the outing with his daddy.
In the meantime, during those inevitable rain outs or just when I feel like gettin' my game on away from the Ted, bring out the computerized contenders, the byte sized versions of the Boys of Summer: the baseball video game.
After spending a few days with 2K Sports' latest hardball offering on the XBOX 360, I've got to say that I'm floored with what the guys at Visual Concepts and Kush have done this year with MLB 2K7.
A few stadiums aside (Shea has always been an eyesore, in both games and in reality), the graphics are the best yet in a baseball title. Sure, I could do without the close ups on the lower polygon fans, but otherwise...absolutely beautiful. True next generation power on display as the diamond comes to life in a way it never has (or could) before. The presentation here is so solid via camera wipes and zooms, overlays and replays, even ESPN should take notes.
The pitching interface is quite intuitive, and I'm nuts for the catchers actually calling for pitches and setting up where they want you to bring your best stuff! I never really thought about that missing element from all previous baseball titles, but now that I've played with such interactive backstops, I can't imagine not having them. AWESOME.
I don't really care for 2K's swing stick mechanic (using the 360 controller's right analog stick to swing) at all, but once I switched over to the old school button interface, hitting felt quite good. Not only could I clearly see where the ball left the bat each time I connected, but that's also exactly where the ball went in the field of play.
This also worked quite well on the fielding side of things. Since I could pick up the ball so easily, I didn't really have an issue with ground balls as I could get the jump realistically and position my fielder to make the play. I can see how the default camera angle could be frustrating to some, but it worked for me.
The team of John Miller and Joe Morgan are, as always, a sound (get it?) team in the booth. In the past (well hell, ever since Sportstalk Baseball on the Sega Genesis) delays in calling the onfield action have been commonplace, but not here. My only beef with the commentary would have to be the lack of emotion on display in big game winning situations. But then again, it's an issue that can be addressed in next year's version. But even if it isn't...I'm loving this baseball title for the shear fun of it.If you have the means or the desire, this latest
incarnation of Major League Baseball on the 360 comes highly recommended. And for those on the fence, there is a solid demo available for download on XBOX Live. For anyone who isn't immediately floored by the graphics, the night game at Shea (in the demo build) may well be the cause. I understand and appreciate that Kush was trying to do something a bit different with the demo by placing the player in the throes of last year's NLCS, but I absolutely ADORE day baseball (both real and virtual). And a day game in the friendly confines of Wrigley Field may go a long way towards changing your mind. Just maybe.
In the meantime, the beer's a hell of a lot cheaper (and colder) and you won't need your sunscreen. I'll see you at the yard.
buy me some peanuts and crackerjack, i don't care if i ever get back.