Greatest. Shoes. Ever.
Gas is nearly 4 dollars a gallon, American Idol is the most watched show on television, George Bush is still the leader of the free world, Britney is bald, cats and dogs are living together...MASS HYSTERIA! The world may be going to hell all around us, but hey...check out my new kicks. Oh Keds, how you ease the pain.
Honestly, when you (you being a corporation in this case) combine my love for all things Asteroids and patent leather into such sweet sneakers...well, you had me at 'Hello'.
How many hours did I spend at age 11 standing in front of that Asteroids cabinet at my local arcade dumping quarter after quarter while downing Mountain Dew after Mountain Dew instead of doing my homework? Far too many, my friend...far too many.
I literally purchase a new pair of shoes, on average, once in a presidential cycle. It's just not a real priority for me. But dammit, it's shoe form!
what you gonna do in those shoes?
Altitude Adjustment
After spending a week last month in Colorado, coming back down to earth (both literally and figuratively) has been more than a bit of a challenge.
This trip was particularly memorable as we spent the entire time up above 10,000 feet at St. Mary's Glacier. The beauty of this site resonates within... even more so than any other spot in the state I call 'Home' as Wendy Lu and I got hitched, said our 'I dos' and tied the knot there. To take Scout there was far and beyond the mere word 'special'. So much so that the visit will, I'm sure, continue to linger on through the hot Georgia summer that waits on deck.
The visit was made even more momentous as Wendy Lu strapped herself to a snowboard for the first time after promising me for years on end that she would take the literal plunge. 'Proud' doesn't even begin to describe my feelings as I watched her not give in to the pain of that first day, and get up and get up and get up again. Not only did she take her first step into the much larger world of riding the mountain (and not just hiking it), but she swears that she loved it. Could I be any luckier? Nah, there's just no way.
i've seen it raining fire in the sky.