Michael Jackson (1958-2009)
"People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do 'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth"From the ABC's of love and animated Saturday mornings with the Jackson 5, to my teenage years, the driving guitar of Beat It, the groove you taught us with Billie Jean and the sheer awe of Thriller. Whether Black or White, and even for those of us that can't dance...you made us want to.
Thank you, Michael. You will be missed.
just call my name and i'll be there
Riding the Rails Through History
The Georgetown Loop Railroad, for those of you thinking of taking a trip to (or through) Colorado this summer, is quite the sight to behold. From her sweeping vistas, massive mountain ranges and white water, to her sharp bends and steep inclines...this is a train like no other.
Since it's construction was completed in 1884, through hard times and even dismantlement in the 1930s, the Loop has not only overseen the changes to this valley from it's heights on Devil's Gate Bridge, but she has also ensured that the historic silver mining communities of Georgetown and Silver Plume remain largely unchanged.
Scout is absolutely over the moon for any and everything trains, so when he was finally able to ride the
railway yesterday (thanks to Uncle Corey, who works for the line)...he remained largely speechless, awestruck until the trip was through. This was Wendy Lu's and Eva Sage's first ride as well, and even though I had taken the trip myself years ago, the beauty of it and the shear marvel of 19th century engineering and back breaking labor still never fails to impress.
This state and these mountains give so generously, they have so many wonders for all to share...if you decide to make the trip, don't forget to slow down on I-70, and to stop over in our town. Make time to visit Georgetown and to take a ride on the rails back through the past into the history not only of this beautiful town known as the Silver Queen of the Rockies, but also through the history of Colorado, of the West, and of this great nation.trains moan in my head when i'm trying to go to sleep.