To put it mildly…this thing has put all my other PSP titles out of their misery and made me fall in the love with the mighty mite handheld all over again. While it may not quite match the visual prowess of the Playstation 2 version, it’s Madden on the go, go, go. Whenever and wherever you want to smack helmets with your hated rivals, it’s on baby!
As painful as it can be to only get whatever the hell game SKY Sports chooses to show on the illegal satellite hookup at the Ukrainian variant of the local "sports bar" (damn I miss me some NFL Sunday Ticket) this little thing is like morphine to soothe my pigskin pain.

Tight controls, the exact same audio as its big brother on the PS2 and passing and punting in my pocket will make this long Kiev winter just that much nicer.
let me teach you how to dance.
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